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Gedichte über Liebe, Stärke und Frieden ab 2020

The moment she realized that she was everything she needed to give her the life she wanted she became invincible. '20

Ich will mit dir in der Küche tanzen als Symbol für eine Liebe, die auch im Alltag magisch ist. '21


It’s not about wether you stay with each other, but wether you work with each other. That makes all the difference. '21

To myself: I promise to never again make this place in my heart not feel like home for you. '21

You deserve love like in a movie '20


One of the best feelings is realizing that everything you’ve been through, every self doubt, every heartbreak, every breakdown lead you to the person you’ve always wanted to become. The person you are now. '20

No matter what this world told you, you've been never anything less than enough. '20


You’re all the poems that kept me alive the nights my pillows smelled like saltwater and blood. '21


It doesn’t come as thunder and lightning, as fireworks and explosions or as birds singing an ode. It comes as soft rain on a Sunday afternoon, the first coffee on a Thursday morning, laughing randomly. It comes as washing dishes midday, talking about your true being and wicked smiles. It comes as doing grocery, late night dancing in the kitchen and looking at each other next so some old pinned receipt on the fridge halfway through realizing that this is it. '21

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